Game Jargon Definition: "Ameritrash"

Hello, board gamers and board game enthusiasts! From time-to-time we will be posting a piece of tabletop game jargon with the associated working definition. Some terms will be more obscure, while others will be quite commonplace. Let us know what you think, including if you agree or disagree with how we define the terms of the hobby. Without further ado: 

Ameritrash (noun) – A·mer·​i·​trash /əˈmerətraSH/

Also called an “Amerigame,” a pejorative term for some, and one used with affection by others, this term is used to describe American-style (United States) board games. The “Ameritrash” label has been reclaimed by players who enjoy United-States-style game design. An exact definition is almost impossible to pin down, but typical American-style games often (but not always) feature much more direct competition between players, game mechanics with more luck (such as dice rolling), and a greater emphasis on flashy art and specific themes than their European-style counterparts. Some examples of Ameritrash include: Cosmic Encounter (2008), Zombicide (2012, 2021), Twilight Imperium (1997, 2000, 2004, 2017), and Arkham Horror (2005, 2008, 2018).

Background featuring miniatures from Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition, a wonderfully in-depth and complex Ameritrash game.


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