Podcast #6: A New Challenger Approaches!

Season 1: Episode 6

It’s not just about getting new players to the table, it’s also about them having an enjoyable time and, ultimately, getting them to want to come back for more gaming experiences. In this podcast, we interview and converse with our special guest on the show, Sarah Vasa, who is a game enthusiast and self-identified non-gamer. Sarah shares her gaming experiences as a (former) new gamer and (now) non-gamer, and gives us all some tips about how to be welcoming and encouraging towards those new to the gaming table. The three of us discuss (and dispel) myths of gamers and how gamers and non-gamers may actually be more similar than different. As always: check out our other podcasts as well on YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts!


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