
Rick: Hey dude, have you ever been to a space pirate poker tournament?

Pete: No, but I’ve officiated a steampunk-themed wedding.

Rick: Okay, I’m not really sure what that’s got to do with—

Pete: Ooo! And I had a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle themed seventh birthday party!

Rick: Right. That’s cool and all, but if we could get back to the poker tournament, I—

Pete: And I was Borg from Star Trek for Halloween one year, and the Green Ranger another! I went to a 1980s themed disco dance party. That one was a little bit off in terms of decade thematics.

Rick: Umm—

Pete: I went to a biopunk briss.

Rick: Yeah, see, I know that’s not a thing.

Pete: And I took a Deceptacon woodshop class at an adult learning center.

Rick: Duuuuuuude!!! If we could get back to the topic at hand—

Pete: I think once I partied all night in a Ren & Stimpy bouncy house.

Rick: DUDE!!! I really need to focus on the unboxing for toda—

Pete: I think in my dream last night I was eating chocolate cake in a bubble bath on Titan.

Rick: Okay, I’m just gonna talk, then. Today’s unboxing that you’re gonna do when you're done with, well, whatever it is that you're doing, is the game Antematter (2022), designed by Adam McDonell Moline and published by Bardshark. It’s a new space pirate board game that incorporates plundering in the Conflux with Texas Hold ’em style poker.

Pete: Oh, that sounds awesome! Can I bring my chocolate cake to game night?

Rick: No. The components are way too nice for food at the table.

Pete: Oh, okay. But can I bring my friends to have fun at the poker game?

Rick: Yes.

Pete: Well, why didn’t you just lead with that?

Rick: I hate you so much right now.

Pete: See you in the Conflux. I call dealer!


Game Jargon Definition: “Chrome”

