Game Jargon Definition: “App-Driven Game”

App-Driven Game (noun) - app-driv · en game / ap ˈdriv(ə)n ɡām /

A board game with physical components that are “pushed along” or supplemented by a software application (“app”) that runs simultaneously with gameplay on a player’s computer, tablet, phone, or other electronic device. The app may reveal some mystery or a piece of narrative plot, provide branching choices for gamers to choose between, track the state of the game (e.g., turns, resources, points), provide maps for players to explore, and/or contribute music, artwork or other thematic and immersive material.

“App-driven” games are games that specifically require the application to be open and to run in concert with the physical game being played on the table by players. This is in contrast to an “app-assisted” game, in which an app helps the game run more smoothly, often providing narrative or administrative support, but which is not required for game play. There are three general schools of thought on app-driven (and app-assisted) games:

First, some are of the opinion that the introduction of electronic real-time technology into the board game space infringes upon (or perhaps even ruins) what makes this particular tactile cardboard hobby all that it is intended to be in the first place. Players who hold this view typically do not care to play app-driven or app-assisted games.

A second outlook is that app-driven games are the way of the future, and the board game hobby and community is evolving to include more and more app-driven board games. Players with this viewpoint welcome the development of app-driven games with open arms.

Finally, the middle-of-the-road perspective is that app-driven games will not, could not, and should not replace more traditional board game mechanics and qualities, but, as the board game industry evolves, there certainly is room for app-driven games alongside other games in the community. These gamers welcome innovation.

Regardless of one’s position, as of 2022 it seems that app-driven and app-assisted games are here to stay, as developers continue to incorporate this technology into tactile board game experiences.

Some examples of app-drive games include: The Unlock! series (2017–present); Descent: Legends of the Dark (2021); and Destinies (2021).


Game Jargon Definition: “Brain Burn”


Crusader Kings