Carving Some Games (Out of Their Boxes)

Hello tabletop gamers! It is nearly the end of 2022, and next week we have Thanksgiving, which some celebrate and others don’t. You may choose to celebrate some other event or none at all—around the gaming table, or in any other way. All totally valid. Regardless, what is common at this time of year is to spend some well-earned R&R with friends, family (given or chosen), and loved ones, hopefully around the gaming table.

So this week we’ve decided to do an unboxing a day (Tuesday–Saturday). We’ll feature a few new games and a few slightly older games, all of which we think are excellent and easy to get to the table, quick to set up, easy to explain, and playable in 15–60 minutes of downtime. Maybe right after all the meal prep is finished or after everyone is done eating. Perhaps when you first wake up in the morning or the last thing everyone does before going off to sleep.

So stick with us this week as we unbox five very reasonably priced games, any of which you could pick up and bring to an upcoming holiday soirée.


Game Jargon Definition: “Dice Chucker”


Ark Nova