Podcast #20: Tables for One

Do you know what? Here at Corax & Coffee we think we’re close enough to show you, our listeners, our list. No, not the people on our list. We’re not there yet. Besides, we’re not sure that you have sixty acres and a backhoe for burying bodies. You still have to prove your usefulness in that particular way. And no, we are not going to share our list of exes that we hope regretted leaving us, or our list of exes that we’re glad we left and have never looked back from. This is a curated space, after all. But we will share with you, each of us, Keegan, Rick, and Pete, our top four solo games. That’s a total of twelve games. That’s a list. Join your hosts, Pete Steele and Rick Hendricks, as well as our producer of Corax & Coffeecast, Keegan King, in the season two finale as we share our favorite solo games (or at least solo games that we fancy). There’s still enough time in the SARS-COV-2 pandemic to be with yourself at the gaming table.


Game Jargon Definition: “40K”

