Star Wars: Rebellion—Rise of the Empire

Quiz time: what do George Lucas, Disney, and Fantasy Flight Games all have in common? If you replied “They all, either now or in the past, held a Star Wars IP license of one type or another,” you wouldn’t be wrong, but that’s not the answer we are looking for. However, we did set up this question in a constructed answer format (i.e., respond however you want), rather than in a selected answer format (e.g., multiple choice), so you saying the license thing and us calling it “wrong” is really on us, not you.

The ins and outs of proper test construction and psychometrics aside, the answer we were looking for was “George Lucas, Disney, and Fantasy Flight Games all seem to think that more is always better.” But “more” is never simply more with these guys. In the spirit of that malarkey, join Pete as he unboxes Star Wars: Rebellion—Rise of The Empire (2017) designed by Corey Konieczka and published by Fantasy Flight Games. It’s an expansion for Star Wars: Rebellion that adds…more. More cards, more dice, more standees, and more miniatures. We really do like this expansion, because it streamlines combat in this gamified iteration of the Star Wars universe.


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