Twilight Inscription

Pete: Hey Keegan, fancy a game of Twilight Imperium?

Keegan: I would love to, but I have a lot of dissertation work to do. I can’t play an all-day game today. And we need more than two for TI anyway. 

Pete: Sarah, Sarah, and Rick are already on board.

Keegan: Like I said: dissertation.

Pete: Well, what about a game of Yahtzee?


Pete: Okay, let’s split the difference. How about a new roll-and-write game that is right in between Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition and Yahtzee?

Keegan: Have you been mainlining liquidized asphalt?

Pete: No. Well, yes. Maybe? I don’t know, Man. I’m pretty sure that if I had been mainlining liquidized asphalt, I wouldn’t remember doing so.

Keegan: Completely agree.

Pete: But, just looking at the components of Twilight Inscription (2022), a new 1–8 player roll-and-write game by James Kniffen and published by Fantasy Flight Games set in the Twilight Imperium universe, might be like being on a liquidized asphalt trip. The game is so very, very pretty.

Keegan: I know I started it, but maybe we should give up the intravenous drug references. It’s a little off-brand for us.

Pete: But it does seem to be on brand for Fantasy Flight. I mean, it’s in their name. Plus they keep putting out games with sentient plants, mercantile lions, and ghosts with blue space tentacles.

Keegan: Yeah. It’s weird. 

Pete: Wow. That was unnecessarily speciesist and xenophobic. What if the James Webb Telescope over at NASA is discovering the Hacan right now?

Keegan: Just…ugh…how long does it take to play?

Pete: Fantasy Flight is claiming that it can be played in just 90–120 minutes.

Keegan: Just that makes them liars, doesn’t it?

Pete: You can be The Emirates of Hacan.

Keegan: Deal.

Disclaimer: We here at Corax & Coffee do not now, nor have we ever, endorsed the use of intravenous liquidized asphalt. In addition, the data do not show it to be efficacious in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. To those of you who have never tried intravenous liquidized asphalt before and thus do not need this disclaimer: Have fun watching our Twilight Inscription unboxing.


Game Jargon Definition: “Heavy Games”


My Father’s Work