Game Jargon Definition: “AWI”

AWI ( noun) - A·​W·​I /ə ˈdəb(ə)lˌyo͞o ī/

An abbreviation for the “American War of Independence” (also known as the Revolutionary War in the United States). Many (but not all) tabletop games with an AWI theme and/or setting come in the form of combat simulations in which theories of warfare can be tested and refined without the need for actual hostilities. Combat simulation games are also used as formal and informal educational tools to aid in the understanding of how a specific battle, series of battles, or an entire campaign unfolded historically on the battlefield. In addition to numerous board game and miniature game AWI options, there are social media sites and other websites dedicated specifically to war game systems that simulate specific battles that occurred during the American War of Independence.

Examples of AWI wargames are: We the People (1993); Washington’s War (2010); 1775: Rebellion (2013); Sails of Glory (2013); and Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection (2016).


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