Return to Dark Tower

Return to Dark Tower. Return to Dark Tower? This seems like a bad idea. The warning against the verb in the first half of the title is in the adjective of the second half of the title. Return to Dark Tower? I don’t think so. To us, this seems like a good way to get kidnapped or killed. Unless you’re talking about the board game Return to Dark Tower (2022) designed by Tim Burrell-Saward, Isaac Childres, Noah Cohen, Rob Daviau, Justin D. Jacobson, and Brian Neff, and published by Restoration Games. In this case, we definitely recommend returning to the dark tower and bringing your friends along for the ride.

You probably want them in a real life scenario, as well—you know, for backup. Also, let someone else know where you are. But with the tabletop game, you can just sit at your dining room table—like we said, with your friends—more or less danger free. 99% of accidents occur at the gaming table. (That’s an alternative fact that we just made up.)

But here is a non-alternative fact: Return to Dark Tower is an app-driven game. They are definitely three schools of thought on app-driven games: (1) app-driven games are destroying the tabletop gaming hobby; (2) app-driven games are the glorious and utopian future of tabletop gaming; and (3) with the right game and the right app development, there might be some room in the space for a few app-driven games. We will be discussing app-driven games in more detail in a season three episode of the Corax and Coffeecast.

In the meantime, check out this board game unboxing of Return to Dark Tower where Pete calls out Matt Lees of Shut Up & Sit Down for eating bowls of soup at the gaming table. We’ve never met Matt, but it’s cool. He seems like a solid guy on the other side of the pond. He’s welcome at our gaming table any time.


Game Jargon Definition: “Gamer”


Game Jargon Definition: “AWI”