Star Trek Ascendancy: The Dominion War

Pete: Hey, dude—oh, sweet! You’re watching Dominion War era Deep Space Nine. Can I watch too?

Keegan: Sure, man.

*7 episodes later*

Pete: Ah, The Dominion was the best story arc in Deep Space Nine. Intense serialized episodes with bits of comedic relief with all sorts of homage to the Star Trek universe. 

Keegan: Completely agree. And The Dominion is definitely the best antagonistic power in the Star Trek universe. I know people say the best is The Borg, but they’re essentially just techno zombies. The Dominion has real intercharacter conflict.

Pete: The Romulans are awesome too, but they don’t get enough screen time. But I guess that’s on par for their secretive culture.

Keegan: A meta explanation to be sure, but an explanation nevertheless.

Pete: Hey, I’ve never asked you: Who is your favorite, non-main cast, recurring Star Trek character on DS9?

Keegan: Weyoun.

Pete: So, a functioning despot, liar, and murderer.

Keegan: Okay, fine. Garak, then.

Pete: So, a conniving and manipulative liar, assassin, and all-around general murderer.

Keegan: Quark?

Pete: So, creeper, organized crime boss, and let’s face it, murderer.

Keegan: Hey, man, you need conflict for story to work.

Pete: Hey, dude, you know what would be awesome? 

Keegan: If Paramount+ created a Star Trek spinoff of Dominion life and culture in the Gamma Quadrant?

Pete: No microcolony of space rust on you.

Keegan: What?

Pete: What?

Keegan: You’re such a nerd. Go do the Corax & Coffee unboxing of Star Trek Ascendancy: The Dominion War (2022) designed by Andrew Haught and Phil Yates, and published by Gale Force Nine.

Pete: Cool.

Keegan: Oh, and I meant to ask: Who is your favorite, non-main cast, recurring Star Trek character on DS9?

Pete: Cyrano Jones.


Star Trek Ascendancy: Breen Confederacy


Game Jargon Definition: “Play by Post”